Saturday, 3 March 2007

Vegetables and fruits In the market

I went yesterday to the market of my street, Friday is the holiday here as you know . You can get the little audio file (left click on the link and "save as") i recorded while walking across it, i hopes it gets you a bit more into ambiance:

And going back to my visuals, here i present a collection of some the most common vegetables and fruits that can be found in the market. One of my favourite fruits, the bananas:

Artichokes (eng), Alcachofas (esp) or Al-Jarchuf (arabic):

Red onions:

Strawberries and oranges:

Tomatoes and sweet potatoes :

Limes and lemons:

And the already famous, basketball size cauliflowers:

PS: the clear sunshiney African sky helped a lot for achieving those vibrant colors ;)

1 comment:

ac394 said...

It seems to me you are having a wonderful time in there!!! Thanks for the posts, they are just great.

Take care and keep your eyes open.