The good in the market are not only the vegetables, there are people too!. This was the only person selling non-vegetables items. The careful organization of the shoes and the decoration of the bike suggested me that this guy was a good business man:
This one did not even bothered talking to me, he saw me taking the picture and smiled proud of his onions...
...and these two even prouder of his artichokes, they both hold a couple of them specially for the picture:
These two were very funny, they were fooling around with each other and laughing a second before i took the picture:
This one did not seem so happy, but thankfully not because of my pictures. He was standing up on top of his carreta shouting non-stop to many people. I don´t really know who he was doing, maybe the bamboo cage rental service as all of them were empty :P
The kids were very friendly, these two wanted their donkey to be immortalised with them:
This boy seemed specially nice and innocent:
And for finishing with the kids; i really liked these ones...they told me "good man" for photographing them, how sweet?
As a final note, even though there is not people in the image, the decoration of this carreta says a lot about the dedication and creativity of the owner:
No wonder why I really love those old style markets...
we shoud be get a home to you in every place in alex
u catsh the life s detalis
Good words.
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