This is a sad moment, one of the members of the red sofa crew (el-ahmar canabe crew) has left us. He like many other educated, professional and talented Egyptians is going to emigrate to Saudi or Emirates...the estimation i heard is that there are 45.000 Egyptian scientists working abroad, we could really do with all those here! The same great problem that can be found in many other countries in Africa: brain drain. The difficulties at all levels (social, economical, political, etc...) that most of people face here on a daily basis are fueling the dreams to live in any other place and killing any hope of amelioration. One simple example (and not representative at all of the width of the multifaceted problematic) is that one of Prof. Ahmed Zewail (Nobel laureate in chemistry). He finished his undergraduate degree in Egypt and emigrated to the US, where he ended up in CalTech. This guy really loves hes mother country, for a graphical example go and pass the mouse over research themes. He put his research on the map of Masr, how lovely/geeky the mesoscopic phase in the new valley? If that little detail of his love for his country was not enough, i will tell you more. He came back to Egypt with a great plan: to create a whole new university for boosting the research in here and to try to retain the great intellects this country produces. He spoke with the government and fought and fought and fought for it, problems, problems and more the end he could not get anything done and he had to go to Qatar to open the University. The teaching is: if a Nobel Price falls in despair trying to implement a promising project to develop the state of education, science and technology in his own country, who can keep his hopes high??? everyone should agree that that will be a great for Masr, but nevertheless another battle was lost...the fight is still my dear friend, you are another innocent casualty in this non-sense war, i deeply cry for your lost. Still, this was not a bad bye letter to a friend, it is a see you! I really hope one day in the future we will be able to repeat this picture in a much better Masr for all:

Ashof washak alla kher!
Curiosity of the day: When we are talking about somebody of unknown name (or we cannot be bothered to repeat it) the generic words used in Arabic and Spanish are fulan and fulano respectively. Arent you impressed? i was! And if you are wondering mengano is unknown to the arabic speakers :D
Thanks for your words
Ashof washak alla kher
See you Soon
Did you ask on Sutano?
Fulano, mengano and sutano are the members of the omnipresent trinity.
Chingon por el blog y los paneles solares.
no sutano is not known in this land, they dont have a trinity, they believe in only one god :D
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