Sunday, 25 February 2007

Details in the streets

There are a number of photos that i did during my walks that i particularly like and that i did not show until now. Just for the need of beginning somewhere, i will do it by another of the already classic adverts, tweety (or Piolin) is there because is a kid´s wear shop (!!??):

This must be one of the few traffic lights in Alexandria (is the only one i saw), but is purely decorative, nobody seems to notice it:

This is a detail of the carreta of the fruit stand at the door of the mosque in my street:

This is a bike of an old man selling oil (i think). Particularly funny is the attachment method of the tin with a bicycle tire:

Some peppers hanging of the window of a restaurant in the centre, i love the colours:

This is one of many of the cats that i have photographed in the streets, this one was specially friendly and cute:

Fact of the day: I know now the name of THE cafe (where i have my kaua halib every morning), its called "el fardús" or "the paradise". Very nice place to start the day indeed ;)

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