I arrived in Cairo airport at 3pm on Monday after spending all my time in the plane recovering all the sleep i missed Sunday night ;) Yasser was in there to pick me up, negotiate with the taxi driver, take me to the train station and invite me to a delicious egyptian coffee. Before i realised, i was (for the first time in my life) in a 1st class wagon to Alexandria. The 2 hour and a half trip to Alex passed without any other mayor incident, other than me committing the mistake of ordering food in the train (i think it was cooked by the same chef that serves that "food" in all the planes in the world). Khaled, the person that ill be grateful all my life for facilitating my trip to Egypt (might Allah have him in his grace), was in the station waiting for me. Together with Badry (one of my house mates) we went for having a proper Egyptian feast: salads, beans with humus, omelette, grilled cheese, beetroot, chips, etc... And then i begun to enjoy and "suffer" the famous egyptian hospitality. I have come to realise that the argument of me trying to pay something and not being allowed is going to happen quite often. They dont know limits of hospitality, god bless them!
After dinner we came to our flat, and my first surprise is that i live in a neighborhood in the east of the city called Miami (no further comments please). The flat is in the 7th floor of a high rise building (18 floors) that look like one that has been teleported from Sarajevo :D Inshallah, I will post an article just on the state of the lift in the next few days, it is simply hilarious. In the flat i met my other two house mates, Bahz and Balal (Bibo), and we went for a coffee in Amys favourite cafe. In there i met two architects, Karim and Mohamed, that begun to help me with my architectural findings. The (hours long) conversation was extremely animated, from buildings to energy, from terrorism to cultural issues and finally, back to in the flat, talking about cinema with Balal until 9am that i went to bed...where i died for only two hours, as i had to be at 12 am in the Biblioteka Alexandrina.
Fact of the day: Egypt in egyptian is called Masr!!!
Welcome to Egypt.. ;)
While you are munching warm sand with the oh so nice natives, we in United Blingdom are scowling at each other over our porridge in the freezing cold. Oh and dont forget the quequeing we are doing. Have an awesome time. I lov the pic with the mudhouse and the solar panel. Keep safe me sunshine!!Xmazza
Ese tio!
I was really surprised when you told me today that you were in Alexandria,..., Oh man! Make the best of this trip and enjoy every minute.
About the blog, I think it is an excellent idea as long as you keep posting messages, if for any reason you stop, you will be in trouble because Fernando and his finger will suggest Party to go there and get you back.
Spanish hug from Canada.
I'm sure you'll be alright with Egyptian hospitality: people, food, etc. Not so sure though god/allah will listen to your blessings... two in paragraph - that's too much for a dubious believer, isn't it?
hola nono
its me belal
arrival in home!
Elareeeee Nono
Have just been reading "Les Savants de (fucking) Bonaparte" (Robert Solé, Le Seuil, in french though). You are part of it now.
Y er nota....empapate de to lo que puedas y cuando necesitas a alguien llamame mamona jajajajajaja
un abrazo y disfruta.
Er Danié from Sevilla ;P
Oi, how do you know what Sarajevo building look like? :P Or was that comment just there to catch this particular Muslim's attention? LOL!
I had no idea you were going to Egypt, dude! Very cool, I'm sure u'll have a great time!
C ya soon my friend hopefully!
Sorry, i should have said a bombed building in Sarajevo :P and yes, i was trying to get ur attention :D
good stuff man.
i see your sleeping habits have been improving
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