Well last night was my plane back to the UK and my visa run out...and obviously i did not take it. My place is here right now, i am not going anywhere. The things i have got in here are not many in terms of material possessions, but my heart and my soul are full of joy. I am happy here, there is so much to learn and in so many levels. There are good people and bad people everywhere, there are advantages and disadvantages everywhere. I enjoyed many years the advantages of being living in developed countries* but living in the "other side" (in terms of percentage the "other side" are the majority of people, and theres more than one side!!!) has advantages too. Enjoying and growing, seeing and learning, meeting and talking in both sides are enriching...i know a bit of the Westerner world (or better west-south west European) and even less of this one. I will have to go for the one that i know less cos i will learn more here, its opening more windows. There a quotation from the Holy Qur2an: people choose the inferior over the superior (II,61). How can we discern the superior and the inferior? and what are we ready to accept as a proof? what we call proofs in science is something some how very particular. The proof is accepted when it feedbacks the theoretical background fitting relatively well with it. But what about the whole universe that cannot be quantified? what about those things that we are not able to perceive with our senses or with any technology? all the science in a gazillion PhD thesis are infinitely small compared with the number of events in the Universe at an infinite number of scales. Those proofs, signs and answers sent from the unknown world to the heart and mind are incredibly elusive and/or overwhelmingly obvious. Surely, they greatly determine our decisions in life. I extended my visa another 3 months, the Egyptian adventure continues. I consider i took the better over the worse for myself at this moment...so, in consequence, this blog wont be discontinued, home and open books.
*progress can be defined in many ways, this issue surely takes many books of development, in this particular case referred from a technological point of view.
PS: last nite i committed a very bad mistake in referencing, now is corrected...i ask for forgiveness and i apologise the 3 people that read the article before i had time to find the exact ref. Ta!
I think you should be there, where your soul and your heart are in peace, they are they are asking you to stay there
I'm sorry about not commenting earlier but I have being very busy......
(Thank you)
beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!im so jealous. been here 3 yrs and u've seen way more than me!
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