...for having clean water...cold and hot
...for all the clothes
...for the food i eat everyday
...for all the people that helped me
...for having electricity
...for knowing how to read and write and for having education
...for having ethics and morals
...for having Internet
...for the books i have read
...for not being subject of violence
...for having a passport that allowed me to visit so many places
...for speaking more than one language
...for the people i find that become friends
...for having money on my pocket most of my life
...for all the places i slept
...for respecting everybody regardless of condition
...for my critical thinking...or even for having brain cells at all
...for my hands
...for being an independent thinker not brainwashed by media
...for being healthy
...for my body that withstands adversities
...for having no disabilities
...for having my brothers, my father and my mother
...for being mentally sane (really??)
I would love to know what is the percentage of the world population that could subscribe my words...Those not as lucky as me and many of you spend their life in a struggle for getting things some take for granted...it is an utter disgrace that people that has survival ensured forget what a privilege it is to have it, and still they keep complaining about stupid stuff. It is a responsibility and an obligation for us to make this world a better one for all those who cannot choose.
Curiosity of the day: Remember about fulan? well actually i discovered that there are no zutano and mengano, but actually there are three in Arabic too: fulan, aelen and terten...would be something like aeleano y tertano?
Words of wisdom....let´s try to remember that every morning.
Sergio (party)
PS: Antonio sometimes life is more enjoyable if we take it for a while to its more beautiful and simplest form.....which is that a path just takes you to another path....so just enjoy every step of the way......
hey antonio. that was a very sweet thing u wrote about all the things u are grateful for. u arent lucky, u are blessed! the kids miss u. if u come, please be prepared to not smoke because if i quit as planned tomorrow, i must keep my home tobacco free or i will surely fail!
I am happy that actually there’s someone in this world is grateful..... I think that those who take a deeper look in to others’ sufferings...... are those who can appreciate the good things in live and they realize that their troubles seem bearable and tolerable comparing to others, and I completely agree with Sergio :)
It is, thank God, possible - and indeed preferable - to totally agree with everyone, but only when we have the opportunity, capacity and the luck to do so. This is the case for me (I am, in no particular order, white, educated, middle-class, European, British, English; all of which help me out somehow in this world. This said, being blonde and female has its own disadvantages anywhere south of Nice), as it most probably is for many of those reading this blog.
In any case Antonio, I think you're doing a fabulous job; I love the photos and the words in equal measure. Feeling grateful for what you have is a step towards being able to help those who - through no fault of their own - have less than you do.
And that gratitude? I think you should shout if from the rooftops until your face turns purple. And so should we all.
i can't speak two langauges unless you count bullshit and stupid shit.
the rest i do subscribe to and agree that one should not come to take such thigns for granted too much, or tend towards complacency.
BTW, am listening to some good ol psytrance atm, did you ever head along to Tribe of Frog in Bristol?
am going for my 23rd in a couple of weeks, and off to Sweden then Finland tomorrow for work XD
hope your well dude
i'm lucky too........
hey dr. antonio! u just gave me the best news! congratulations. and i will be needing a consultation at your earliest convenience. in other words, come on down for some tea and conversation, my fellow ignabee!
When u said that u` r lucky u didn’t refer to love …
Or u believe in- the Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani –words:
Our words in love kill love
Characters that die while disgusted
Love is not an Eastern story
In its end the main actors never marry
Nevertheless, it is sailing without ship
& feeling that Favors is impossible
Is that still on the fingers shiver
& the lip still has a question !!!
When u said that u` r lucky u didn’t refer to love …
Or u believe in- the Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani –words:
Our words in love kill love
Characters that die while disgusted
Love is not an Eastern story
In its end the main actors never marry
Nevertheless, it is sailing without ship
& feeling that Favors is impossible
Is that still on the fingers shiver
& the lip still has a question !!!
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